Cardigan Mountain School A boarding and day school for boys in grades 6 through 9


Inside the classroom
Support the People
Inside the Digital Arts Lab
Support the Programs
The Dawn Climb
Support the Traditions

We are humbled by the indispensable contributions you make to Cardigan. We owe a significant portion of our annual operating budget, all of our buildings, our scholarships, our endowment, and many of our unique programs to the generosity of Cardigan’s founders, trustees, and donors.
Your support is more than financial. The Cardigan community hosts events, volunteers time at family weekends, donates items to the Auction, cheers on Cougars in athletic contests, delivers goodies for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week, and in countless other ways helps Cardigan to “be the best.” Your ongoing support makes possible the Cardigan experience that we know and value.
The vibrant, value-driven experience offered at Cardigan deepens relationships, which weave together the fabric of the Cardigan community. Our alumni network demonstrates the strength of these bonds, while Cardigan’s far-reaching web of former faculty, local friends, and loyal sponsors is a testament to the lifelong impact of a Cardigan education.
My team helps attract and steward the support Cardigan needs both to continue our traditions and to evolve and meet the changing needs of our boys, our parents, and our society. In the links to the right, you can learn more about how we achieve this mission.
On behalf of our students, our faculty, and our staff, I thank each and every one of you for your continued support of Cardigan Mountain School. Our efforts here on The Point are built on a foundation of incredible alumni, parents, foundations, businesses, and friends who believe deeply in the critical work of our faculty in educating middle school boys.

Signed with gratitude,

Joe Burnett ’95
Director of Development
and International Relations 

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan for Cardigan 2032 identifies four action areas that prioritize people and programs:

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Health & Wellness
  • Program & Curriculum
  • Finance

Strategic Plan

How can we help you?

Joe Burnett '95 P’25
Director of Development and International Relations

Patricia Butterfield
Associate Director of Development

Sandra Hollingsworth
Director of Leadership and Planned Gifts

Jeremiah Shipman '00
Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations