Congratulations to Devin Cokinos ’25 and Gerardo Gonzalez ’27 for earning Athlete of the Week!
Student Life
At Cardigan there is a certain magic that happens when an aspiring group of boys from all over the world, with high expectations of character and purpose, come together and share a common experience: our students call it brotherhood.
Life at Cardigan is active, interesting, fulfilling, healthy, and fun. Whether it is building habits to keep a tidy living space, helping out in our local community, or practicing servant leadership through a campus job, student life is all about learning to be independent, resilient, helpful, and respectful citizens.
Equity and Belonging
Cardigan Mountain School is a close-knit community committed to building a culture of equity and belonging in which all members are safe and supported to be themselves. We welcome, include, and appreciate the unique contributions of each member and are committed to confronting biases, addressing the impact of privilege on academic outcomes, and making the Cardigan experience more accessible to boys and families. The school is dedicated to meeting each boy where he is and providing support for all to learn and grow as they prepare for their next step beyond The Point.
What is the Plan of the Week?
Cardigan students accomplish many things every day. By the the time they go to bed, they've had classes, advisory, athletics, study halls, and more. Our Plan of the Week details the daily schedule and is a vital resource to the students and faculty alike.
Daily Life on The Point
What we have here at Cardigan is a family that cares about us and our futures. I am proud to be part of this community and proud to call Cardigan my home.
Bryce Terry ’20, 2019-20 School Leader
Cardigan News
Catch up on the latest updates, stories, and scores from The Point. Check out the Cardigan Chronicle magazine, or subscribe to our weekly newsletter To The Point!
Congratulations to these students for excellence in their studies for the month of November 2024!
Congratulations to these boys for their effort and dedication to their studies!
Congratulations to all student-athletes and coaches for a fantastic season of athletics!
From the woodshop to the stage, Cardigan art teachers foster a lifelong love of creativity.
On the Cardigan stage, our boys brought the quirks and foibles of superheroes to life.