Mail & Shipping
All mail and incoming & outgoing packages are sorted in the Okada Mail Room located in the lower level of Cardigan Commons.
If a student needs to ship a package, mail a letter, or use International Express Mail, he should see the School Store Manager (the school store is located next to the mailroom.) Outgoing mail should be dropped off at the mailroom in the Cardigan Commons. The school store sells stamps and stationery. Student shipments via UPS or FedEx may be charged to a student’s account if he has sufficient funds. All items to be shipped must be boxed, checked, and initialed by a dorm parent prior to sealing the package.
When mailing or shipping to your student, please use this address:
Student Name
62 Alumni Drive
Canaan, NH 03741
Please note: Cardigan reserves the right to open, inspect, and withhold any packages shipped to or received by students, either on campus or while they are participating in any School-sponsored activity. We ask all families to consider limiting the number of packages they send to the School and to consider modesty as a value we hope to instill in the boys. If you are providing your son with resources for online purchases, please also provide guidance to him that there will be consequences for placing online orders for items that are prohibited by school policy, that are in any way harmful, or that may cause undue distraction from our residential and academic programs. If your student must leave school early for any reason, the faculty will help pack his belongings and bring them to the Okada Mail Room for shipment home.
Perishable Items
Many parents like to send care packages to their students. Please notify the school store manager if you are mailing or shipping perishable items to a student. The School recommends limiting the amount of unhealthy food sent. Having such food in a dorm room can interfere with the School’s effort to encourage boys to eat healthful meals in the dining hall. We recommend sending healthy snack foods. Please label the package “perishable” so that the School Store Manager can ensure prompt pick up.
Summer Shipping Guidance
Unless there is a compelling reason, we respectfully ask families not to ship student items to Cardigan until after August 28. Cardigan hosts a four-week summer program and a one-week lacrosse camp, and we face significant space constraints in our mailroom. We appreciate your support.