Cardigan Mountain School A boarding and day school for boys in grades 6 through 9
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Cardigan Chronicle - Summer 2020

Chronicle Summer 2020

Cardigan Chronicle
Volume 70 | Issue 2
Summer 2020

“In this issue of the Cardigan Chronicle, we celebrate the Class of 2020. These boys make up a very special class, and not just because they graduated in the year of COVID-19; they deserve to be acknowledged for the ways in which they have led the School this year and the positive energy they’ve helped spread. It’s also why we chose to go forward with our focus on alumni; their successes and celebrations bring positive energy to a world that is struggling. Our alumni, both the most recent graduates and those from many years in the past, are our silver lining.”

Emily Magnus, Editor

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Summer 2020 Feature

The Building of a Worldwide Network

Cardigan Alumni Map

Cardigan Alumni in the United States

There are over 5,176 Cardigan alumni living around the world in 18 states and 11 countries. From the first seven graduates in the Class of 1947 to the 74 most recent graduates in the Class of 2020, Cardigan alumni have been pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

For the feature in this issue, we are focusing on our alumni, sharing some general statistics that we know about them and then checking in more in depth with three individuals. And while their paths are very different and have taken them all over the globe, grit and hard work are common to all their stories. These three individuals have led with curiosity, following their passions and pursuing mastery in their chosen fields.

What else do we know about our alumni? They have built a strong network of engagement, establishing a brotherhood that is based on both the bonds of family as well as the bonds of their shared experiences on The Point. There are many expected and unexpected adventures big and small that shape an individual, but the strong foundation that Cardigan provides is a beginning, one that we hope lasts a lifetime and one from which our alumni can launch into the world, take chances, and find success.

Toby Harriman

As a child, Toby Harriman ’06 told his mother he wanted to create art all day long; he hasn’t strayed from that objective yet. Ceramics and graphic design held his attention for a bit as a young adult, but photography has developed into a life-long pursuit, particularly when it involves hanging out of helicopters and capturing images with drones.

Read More about Creating Art All Day Long
Stuart Kaplan at his desk with one of his books

The important thing to know about Stuart Kaplan ’47 is that above all else he considers himself a forensic researcher. Once he discovers a topic of interest, he digs deep, exploring all leads and studying even the smallest and sometimes seemingly insignificant details. And while his passion and thirst for knowledge have led him down some remarkable paths, only one subject has kept his interest for a lifetime: tarot cards.

Read More about A Far Cry From the Bronx

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