We look forward to seeing you and your son for the 2025-26 school year. This page contains information to help you and your son prepare for his first year on The Point.
Accepted Student T-Shirts!
We want to send all newly accepted students a Cardigan T-shirt! If you have not already submitted our form for your student's Cardigan t-shirt, please click here to do so.
decorative-rule crest
Helpful Information & Links
- Guides & Handbooks
- 2025-26 School Calendar
- Tuition & Payment Methods
- Important Contacts
- Connecting Families
- Other ways to Stay Connected to Cardigan
- The Plan of the Week
Guides & Handbooks
2025-26 School Calendar
Tuition & Payment Methods
Important Contacts
Connecting Families
Other ways to Stay Connected to Cardigan
The Plan of the Week
If you have a specific question about anything please contact the Admissions Office and we will be happy to help you!