Learning the Cardigan Way
Middle school boys are at an exciting, important stage in their lives: they seek to discover who they are, who they can become, and what they are capable of achieving.
With more than 70 years of experience, we at Cardigan Mountain School truly understand and appreciate boys this age. Our comprehensive educational approach nurtures the intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and ethical growth of each boy through positive relationships with faculty members and peers, and through learning experiences—in and out of the classroom, everywhere on campus, every single day—that propel boys toward self-knowledge and independence. We call this the Cardigan Way.
Our Head of School Explains the Cardigan Way
The Cardigan Way is choosing to live our Core Values and actively living your life in those ways, and when you fall short, trying to do better the next time. We work hard at our academics. We work hard at athletics. We work hard in community, but we're a place where it's important to be kind to one another and it's important to 'help the other fella.' We take that seriously here.
Head of School Christopher Day P'12,'13
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Cardigan Mountain School is a boarding and day school for boys in 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade in Canaan, New Hampshire.