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A boarding and day school for boys in grades 6-9 Canaan, New Hampshire

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Gates Invention & Innovation Program

Create Your Future

Cardigan Mountain School Gates Program student presents his invention to a judge
Gates Invention & Innovation logo

Boys who are doing are boys who are learning, and there is no better example of that idea at Cardigan than the Gates Invention & Innovation Program.

Gates is a year-long class that teaches creative thinking, risk-taking, and entrepreneurial spirit while developing an appreciation for hard work and accomplishment. Beginning each fall, each student or student team is charged with designing and building a prototype of an invention that performs a practical function, makes life easier or safer, entertains, or solves an everyday problem.

The Gates Curriculum

Cardigan Gates student presents his invention at the Gates Competition

Gates Inventors — Grades 6 & 7

In grades six and seven, all students participate in the Gates Inventors program, where they are challenged to identify real-world problems and develop innovative solutions. Guided by skilled instructors, students learn essential skills such as woodworking, sewing, circuitry, and basic coding. They design, build, and refine their inventions, learning through trial and error. At the end of the year, students present their project portfolio and prototype to a panel of judges and compete for cash awards. Outstanding and unique projects may also receive a patent nod for further consideration. This process not only teaches technical skills but also instills an entrepreneurial mindset and an appreciation for perseverance and creativity.

Cardigan Gates program student competing at a robotics competition

Gates Futurists — Grades 8 & 9

The Gates Futurists program for grades eight and nine engages students in exploratory and rehearsed activities that help them develop the ability to make intentional, value-creating decisions in the face of ambiguity. This program emphasizes autonomy, optimism, service, and the importance of relationships. In addition to participating in the Gates competition, Gates Futurists participate in national and international robotics, science, and innovation competitions. Through these external experiences, students broaden their global perspectives and develop emerging interpersonal relationships with peers and professionals, enhancing their social integration and deepening their understanding of the world and their place in it. 

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The Gates Competition

Each fall, student teams are charged with designing and building a prototype of an invention that performs a practical function, makes life easier or safer, entertains, or solves an everyday problem. The program fosters a sense of community and individual identity, preparing students to navigate and shape an interconnected world. As spring nears, they refine their marketing materials and perfect their sales pitches for the Charles C. Gates Invention & Innovation Competition.

A group photo of all of Cardigan's 2024 Gates Competition Participants


2024 Competition

A record 51 inventions were showcased in this year's competition. With so many creative and innovative solutions to everyday problems, it was a tough year to be a judge!

Prizes are awarded for:

  • First, Second, and Third Place
  • Best Salesman
  • Best Market Research 
  • Ideas and designs that seem particularly promising to the judges are awarded the prestigious "Patent Nod."

Video Showcase of 2023-24 Gates Projects

The Gates program was an incredibly important part of my first two years at Cardigan. It was the class that got me excited, and it was a wakeup call telling me that Cardigan was different than the way I had learned in the past…The dedicated teachers and the program itself brought out the best in me.”

Noah Humphrey ’24

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Competition Winners

See the pitch videos from the first, second, and third place inventors at the 2024 Gates Competition.



Thomas & Oliver

First Place


Second Place


Third Place


Grade 8




Grade 9


Gates Program News

Cardigan’s Gates Invention & Innovation Program is made possible by Gates Frontiers Foundation and Trustee Emirata Mrs. Diane Wallach H’16 P’06 on behalf of her father, Mr. Charles C. Gates. The program encourages students to ask “What am I in radical pursuit of and how is it in service to society?”

Meet the Gates Coaches

Jenny Sabados

Jenny Sabados

Director of Gates Invention and Innovation Program
Chris Kondi

Chris Kondi

Gates Instructor (lead)
Annie Clark

Annie Clark

Gates Teacher
Christopher Dow

Christopher Dow

Gates Coach, Director of Rowing, Secondary School Counselor

Interested to learn more about Cardigan?

Submit the inquiry form at the link below and we will send you and your son a welcome package that includes our school viewbook and other information about any special academic or athletic interests he may have.

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