Our Head of School
My first experience with Cardigan’s powerful mission was as a parent. The school was a trusted partner for Cynthia and me as we guided our two boys along the path to becoming young men.
Charlie ’12 and Henry ’13 grew as students, athletes, and people during their time on The Point. By commencement, they were prepared to meet the demands of secondary school and higher education, and to embrace their roles in a global community. I have never ceased to be grateful for what my family gained from that partnership with Cardigan, and as head of school, it is now my privilege to focus all of my effort on supporting other Cardigan families.
For 80 years, Cardigan has continued to refine a traditional yet innovative program, one designed to meet the unique needs of middle school boys. We encourage balance by cultivating mind, body, and spirit. We ask ourselves to live by a shared foundation of Core Values: Compassion, Respect, Integrity, and Courage. These values manifest in concrete ways: we are kind and helpful to one another; we are honest in our dealings with one another, and true to our word; we learn from our failures, and we grow through challenge. In short, we care for ourselves, for each other, and for our school — and we have a lot of fun together. That’s the Cardigan Way.
We are kind and helpful to one another; we are honest in our dealings with one another, and true to our word; we learn from our failures, and we grow through challenge.
As both a Cardigan parent and as head of school, I invite you to visit us soon. You will find an innovative campus thoughtfully integrated within a stunning natural setting; structured classes that promote joyful, active learning; and valued traditions embraced by a diverse community. In other words, you will find Cardigan. We can’t wait to meet you!
Christopher D. Day P’12,’13
Head of School
Christopher Day P’12,’13
Chris Day has been a teacher and administrator at Dublin School, Rye Country Day School, New Hampton School, and Holderness School. He began serving as Cardigan Mountain School’s 10th Head of School on July 1, 2016. His wife Cynthia serves as Cardigan’s assistant director of secondary school counseling. They are the parents of two Cardigan alumni, Charlie ’12 and Henry ’13.
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Chris Day’s Blog
This is a collection of Chris Day's letters to the Cardigan Community as published in his News From the Head of School newsletter or Cardigan's Alumni Magazine, the Cardigan Chronicle.
Chris Day
Head of School Chris Day P’12,’13 writes about how the pace of work during summers at Cardigan does not slow down, but it does indeed change.
Chris Day
Head of School Chris Day P’12,’13 writes about the spiritual impact of a Cardigan education and his own experiences watching his son grow and discover his identity.
Chris Day
As an institution whose mission is to educate for the future, it is altogether fitting that now and then we at Cardigan take time to focus on our own quiet scholarship.
Chris Day
Cardigan's school calendar must be precisely balanced in order to function smoothly.
Chris Day
After the last few years of uncertainty, we celebrated Cardigan's 75th Anniversary together.
Chris Day
I’ve often heard that championships are won on the practice field, long before the actual game is played. The same could be said for an artistic performance, a debate, or our value system.
Chris Day
A day at Cardigan begins with a weather report, delivered in person by the forces of nature—through one’s own eyes, skin, and senses—as one heads to the Cardigan Commons for breakfast.
Chris Day
Tempered by the Great Depression and World War II, Cardigan’s founders set out to create a place of learning and growth in the glorious Upper Valley for the men who would follow them.
Chris Day
Clusters of middle school boys travel from place to place with a great deal of energy and some degree of distraction, finding their way by their own compass.
Interested to learn more about Cardigan?
Submit the inquiry form at the link below and we will send you and your son a welcome package that includes our school viewbook and other information about any special academic or athletic interests he may have.